Consultant and publisher specialised in inland waterways

David Edwards-May is a consultant and publisher in the field of inland waterways for transport and tourism. He started in 1985, and in 1993 founded Euromapping, which became one of the leading European consultancies in this field. The company also established a worldwide reputation as publisher of high-quality planning maps and works of reference, which may be purchased on this site. The 6th edition of the European Waterways Map and Directory was published by partner Imray in 2020.
Studies and expert appraisals led by David Edwards-May, expert in this field for 37 years, have contributed to enhancement of the various functions of inland waterways: transport, tourism, recreation and urban regeneration.
Restoration of the river Lot navigation, listing of the Canal du Midi as a UNESCO World Heritage site, restoration of the Canal de Roubaix and organisation of the World Canals Conference in Serbia in 2009 owe a lot to the work conducted over the years.
This experience and know-how is available to clients and consulting groups for development projects on or around inland waterways and their heritage sites.
David Edwards-May was technical coordinator for various EU programmes (such as ‘Voies d’eau vivantes’ (VEV), which brought together 11 partners from five countries (‘Terra’ programme conducted between 1998 and 2002), and Blue Links, designing and accompanying the restoration of the Canal de Roubaix.
He chaired the PIANC working group on standards for recreational waterways, was president of Inland Waterways International from 2016 to 2020, and currently chairs the PIANC/IWI Working Group on Extending the Values of Low-Use Inland Waterways.
Mobile +33 603 600098
Email: david[at]