Publishing services (maps and brochures)
David Edwards-May published works of reference for Euromapping and Transmanche Consultants, that are now incorporated in the collection of titles published by Imray in the UK. He continues to supply high-quality maps and other documents for public-sector clients. Working from the home-produced inland waterway maps and data base, the needs of clients on all continents can be met, including books, brochures and maps. Vector maps are ready to insert after tailoring to the client’s requirements.
This is how Euromapping came to be the supplier of the United Nations Organisation (Economic Commission for Europe), for its own map of European Inland Waterways.
Another publication, little known because it was produced in only 200 copies (in 1997), is the submission document justifying the case for the famous Canal du Midi in Southern France to be included in UNESCO’s World Heritage List, including original cartography of the canal at 1:25 000. Part of the argument in favour of this listing was taken from Tom Rolt’s book, From Sea to Sea (see book list).